

Someone's Trash is Another's Treasure

I am huge with owning secondhand things, our  home is mostly has secondhand goods and I think it gives our house a lot of character. When I found out I was pregnant with Franco, Dan and I bought a lot of second hand clothes and furniture which saved us a lot of money. I go to a lot of consignment and thrift shops for my clothes and honestly, no one would ever be able to tell that my style is not brand new! I have recently put together a clothes swap with my local mom's group and it was such a hit. It was adult and children clothes so we all benefited from this.

This past weekend I attended another clothes swap and it was a success. With just a few garments, I am able to mix and match many different outfits.
Also check out these boots!! Do you just love these!?


Saturday morning my husband came home from estate sailing with his dad who is visiting and they found some great deals! We were in need of a new mirror and Dan found this guy for only $4. I swear he is the best with finding what we need an unbelievable price. He basically taught me everything I should know about thrift shopping.😉 That scale too, I am still deciding where to put it in the house!

Later on that day we were all taking a walk to dinner and saw that a house down the road was getting rid of a bunch of stuff. Check out what I scored below!
I couldn't believe that this was all going to go in the garbage. Okay I am going to admit, this picture is kind of creepy but I had to have it, I think it goes well with the lamp  that was included with our find!

I love milk glass, but I have a friend who loves them more. So these will be going to my friend who will continue giving these guys a good home!

These salad and fruit bowls were so hard to pass up. I had to have them all, they will get put to good use I swear!

After that huge haul I thought our hunt was complete. That Sunday on our way blueberry and lavender picking, we came across an antique shop. Once again Dan found a great addition to our house...

With a toddler running around in our home, it has been a little difficult to decorate the way we want to, so when we find something like this, we get very excited. 

All of this for under $10, I think we did pretty well this weekend. Who knows what this coming weekend will bring! Do you enjoy thrift shopping at all? What were some of your lucky finds?


  1. Oooh I love thrift I'm too. We also for both kids bought gently used clothing, and I kept my crib for our first baby so when we had.our little boy we jsu trefubiahed the old crib and used it again. Nothing better than a fun Sunday afternoon thrift shopping or going to a huge garage sale.

    1. Agree! As summer starts to come to an end, so do all of the garage sales. We get a little sad during the winter but it is always something we look forward to as the warm weather approaches.

  2. Such a fun activity! I wish there were better thrifting shops here in Canada.

  3. Oh I love going to thrift stores! All of my kids clothes we buy consignment, you can find such great thing!

  4. Such great finds! My favorites are the mirror and scale and milk glass! I really need to get into thrift shopping more after reading this!

  5. Ahhhh. I give you so much props mama! I am a huge deal finder but haven't really tried thrift shops or consignment shops. But I totally do hand me downs from people I know if that makes sense.


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