

Playroom Makeover

My little boy will be turning three, in April. THREE YEARS OLD. It is hitting me more than ever that my baby bird is not a baby anymore. Although I look forward to all of what the three year old world has to offer (including the challenges), I am going to miss the little coos, the chubby cheeks and the adorable little onesies he always wore. Time really does fly especially when your little one is baby because the first year is a complete blackout- you do not have time to look away because so much happens within that short time frame!
This week was pretty big for Franco, lot's of big but fun changes. We started our with a 'big boy' haircut. Yep, I finally bit the bullet and said goodbye to his long, luscious and wavy hair. It was getting harder for me to maintain and our hairdresser happened to have an opening when we walked by so I said, "Now or never!"
If I knew he would look five years older with this haircut I am not sure if I would have done it, I cried and cried! My cute little boy and now handsome young man!

So since I didn't think that was enough, I found a great price on a toddler bed while I was surfing though Facebook Marketplace. Since I am the impulsive person that I am, I could not pass up this deal and picked it up the next day. So within the 3 day span, Franco got a 'big boy' haircut and is now sleeping in a 'big boy' bed. In case you were wondering, I teared up as well when we took down his crib. It certainly is a huge milestone and then end of an era.

If I didn't think this was a large enough transition for all of us this week then what we did next sure was. (No, no potty training yet, but tips sure are appreciated!) We decided to turn our back room AKA our guest room into Franco's man cave. I was thinking about this for a few weeks now and we all agreed that this would be a great way to change things up in our tiny home. We spend a lot of time in our living room and I felt like Franco doesn't have a space for all of his toys. Yes, he has his own bedroom but we are usually only upstairs when it is time for bed and I wanted him to have a space on the main floor. After designing it and it all came together, it is probably my favorite room in the house! Franco loves it too and since the room is connected to the kitchen with a window to look through, I can cook and watch him all at the same time.

Putting it all together was super cheap and budget friendly, check out what I did below!

Our theme was Superheros, easy and practical! Someone in my neighborhood was getting rid of this storage bench, so I went ahead and snatched it up! I found these red and blue bins at Dollar Tree and matched the superhero theme perfectly.

That little corner shelf was a garage sale find a few years back. A great way to display some action figures or sentimental things.

Another estate sale find with this coat hanger, and Target Dollar section came to the rescue with this felt letter board that was only five bucks!

These two wall frames were on clearance for $6 each at Marshall's and are perfect to display Franco's artwork! Such a a fast and easy way to interchange his artwork.

Dad and Grandpa are huge Marvel fans so it was nice to incorporate some of their sentiments. Original comics were framed through out the room!

The frames were another garbage picking find, the comics fit perfectly!

Franco's artwork made another appearance in the room with these adorable superhero hand prints! Frames are from Dollar Tree and I used some fabric scraps as the background in each picture.

Another sentimental piece above this awesome poster from Walmart. It was less than five dollars and has all of Franco's favorite characters! Above is Dad's childhood search and find book X-Men edition.

This is the window that connects to the kitchen, I can peak in at any time, that is if I am not already in there hanging out! I jazzed up the window with some more fabric scraps that I had. All fabric was found at Walmart.

The bathroom door needed some life so I added blue lights around the border and topped it with one of many Batman masks that Franco has. Easy and simple addition.

I didn't go too crazy in the bathroom, but I wanted to add a little touch. I found these free prints here and put them in Dollar Tree frames.

Hopefully adding this to the bathroom will encourage Franco to want to go potty!

What a fun and an eventful week with my baby bird, ahem, I mean big boy. Who am I kidding, he will always be my baby bird!

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