

Special Keepsake

Last weekend while Dan was away for the weekend, Franco and I went on little adventure down in Hudson, NY. It was about a 45 minute drive that consisted of Elmo kareoke, a farmer's marker pit stop, snacks and a quick power nap (for Franco 😉).
When we got there, we enjoyed walking around town and window shopping at a all of the antique shops. We finally got to our destination The Bees Knees where artist Erik Johnson was creating silhouettes. Erik is a third generation silhouette artist and cuts each one freehand. It took about a total of 10 minutes for Erik to do one of Franco and I was in amazement! He had a tablet setup for Franco to watch Thomas the Train and while Franco watched, he cut away! This is such an amazing keepsake to have and I am so happy we took the drive to get this done. Erik tours all over the country so be sure to check if he will be in your area soon! Nothing beats a good old fashion silhouette of your child.

Be sure to check out Erik's Facebook Page !


  1. That is super cute. Would look great on a gallery wall or in his room.

  2. Nice and looks super cute. Can be best for decorating his room.

  3. Nice and looks super cute. Can be best for decorating his room.

  4. Wow! This is so awesome and so creative. Wonder if they have something like this near me. Thanks for sharing!

  5. This is so cute, I love it! Sounds like a super fun day! 😊


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