

Welcome to Our Robins Nest

Hello! I am Nicole and a first time mama to my one year old Franco. I honestly do not know how I manage working full time, being super mom, a devoted wife and keeping up with my social life so I decided to document it here! I am always on the go and love meeting new mama friends. Creating art and being an advocate for maternal mental health are my passion, so you will see a lot of posts related to that. I used to manage two of my own shops Faux Stache Glass and Madame Dutchess Boutique. I created and sold hand painted glassware, handmade jewelry and vintage accessories. Since having my son I have not been able to keep up with my businesses but I am now ready to jump back in and make unique creations! Selling my work at local shops and markets were always my favorite and excited to see what is in store for Our Robins Nest.

I work full time as a Client Engagement Specialist for a non profit behavioral center and I am also the co-leader for Project Mother in Albany, NY.

I am married to my high school best friend who has been part of my life for 15 years. Because of him I am who I am today and I'm just so grateful for him. My other best friend is my dog Dutchess and she is my number one fan. We also have a kitty named Blanche and she completes our family!

If I am not creating something, you will find me rummaging at estate sales, binge watching The Golden Girls while chugging Diet Coke, listening to old school hip hop, supporting small businesses or being and advocate for maternal mental health.Enjoy taking a glimpse into our home at the Robins Nest!

See you soon! 

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